Portal App Review – The Most Simple and Easy WiFi File Transfers App!

Portal App Review – The Most Simple and Easy WiFi File Transfers App!

In the past the process of file transfer between PC and smartphone is often painful and annoying. This days, so many ways you can choose to get content and files from your desktop computer transferred to your mobile device. You might choose in the most traditional way. Yes, using a USB cable. Or you want to try the latest way using Wi-Fi transfer application?

We’re currently reviewing one of the most popular Wi-Fi transfer apps, Portal.


Getting pictures, videos, and other files from your computer onto your phone should be quick and painless. Portal helps by making it as easy as drag and drop.

Portal is very easy to use. Just open the app and pull up portal.pushbullet.com on your computer and you’re ready to go!

Files are transferred over your WiFi connection which mean they don’t count toward your mobile data limit. This also means files are transferred very quickly (even if they’re over 1 GB in size).

★ Transfer individual files, multiple files, or entire folders at once


Portal is a WiFi transfer application made by Pushbullet Company. So far I have tried many WiFi transfer applications. To be honest this application is the most simple and easy. If in other apps you have to create profiles, set up WiFi network etc. This app missed it all. It’s all done easily, just go to portal.Pushbullet.com and scan QR code. From there you really just drag and drop it. I strongly encourage you to use this app.

Another advantage is that this app lets you send files directly to a micro SD card on your smartphone. To do this, you only need to change the destination (under Save Files to) in Settings. Images will automatically go into your gallery and music into your music folder, but if you want somewhere different, you can also decide in Settings.
