Biz Builder Delux – Manage The Whole Town and Build Your Own Shops

Biz Builder Delux – Manage The Whole Town and Build Your Own Shops

Have you ever wanted to build your own town? Planning on what kind of shops that you can build in that town? Like building a coffee shops near a school, a burger shops near train tracks or even a game shops.

Of course, there aren’t many game that gives you that kind of freedom, especially in Android or iOS platform. Fortunately, Kairosoft inc has made a game that can gives you that much freedom, of course with some restriction. The game is called Biz Builder Delux.


Ah, there’s nothing like the rhythmic bustle of a burgeoning business burg… Especially, when you’re the one building it! That’s right, from a video game store to the corner fast food joint, run what YOU want as the town’s entrepreneur extraordinaire!

Once your coffers are comfortably padded, you’ll be ready to set sights on other ripe markets. Don’t be shy and branch out, erecting a diverse variety of establishments to inspire both pep in the town plaza and plenitude in your pockets!

Remember, you’ll need to strategize if you want shoppers to show. Innovate to stock stores with quality products while devising battle plans to rout pesky rivals. Only then will your spot as the town’s top transactor be secure!

It’s not easy to rake in those bucks with the free market in flux… but if you conquer that crux–you’ll be Biz Builder Delux!

BizBuilder delux is a paid game about running your own Shops. You can run tons a burger shops, a game shops, a bakery, and a boutique. It is like a tons of games being made into one. While you are at it, The mayor of the town will also ask for your advice. The advice varies from town building, factory building, tax and many mores. Makes you wonder what kind of mayor push their jobs to you and never end up getting fired.

Anyway, you need to manage your shops, from shipping, hiring a new staff, advertising and the store design. There are so many things that you can do in the shops. Another feature that i like is the treasure hunting feature, you can do once in a while. You dispatch your staff member to find more stuff and equipment for your store to use.

Jay: A Content Creator for Contact me on

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