By Jay / / Android Games

SIMULACRA – A Found Phone Horror Mystery Game

Everybody loves a mystery. The Puzzle that you need to solve and the story behind the mystery are some of the reason why people love them. Why, how, what, when? Are some of the reason as to why we play the mystery game. The more challenging the puzzle is the more satisfied you are when you solved it.

However, there aren’t many horror mystery game that you can find on Google Play. Of course, if you are a horror mystery fans then you might know of the game called Sara is Missing. We have done the review (Sara Is Missing Review). Anyway, the developer has made another game called “SIMULACRA


You found the lost phone of a woman named Anna. In it, you see a desperate cry for help in the form of a video message. The phone behaves strangely as you dive deeper into it. You talk to her friends and they have no idea where she is. Her texts, emails and photo gallery provides fragments of information as the mystery deepens. It’s up to you to piece it together.

SIMULACRA is a realistic “found phone” horror game that takes place entirely on the screen of a mobile phone. A voyeuristic experience that combines of point and click adventure games, found footage videos and fully realised phone apps.  You will be searching through the found phone from its text message, Emails, picture, and many other.

This game is probably one of the best made horror game on smartphone. You will be thrilled to uncover the hidden meaning of the text, and the story behind the missing woman. It is definitely worth the money to buy the game.

So? Are you interested in playing the game? Well, if you are then click on the link below to download it.

App Rating : SIMULACRA - Found phone horror mystery (6$)

Horror GamesMystery GameSIMULACRA
About Jay
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