Finding Paradise: To The Moon Sequel Game Review

Finding Paradise: To The Moon Sequel Game Review

We have rarely cover a PC game on this site. However, the game that we are going to cover today is too good, because of that we will give you a simple review about a game called Finding Paradise.

Source: Steam


Dr. Rosalene and Dr. Watts have peculiar jobs: they give people another chance to live, all the way from the very beginning… but only in their patients’ heads.

Due to the severity of the operation, the new life becomes the last thing the patients remember before drawing their last breath. Thus, the operation is only done to people on their deathbeds, to fulfill what they wish they had done with their lives, but didn’t.

Finding Paradise is the 2nd full episode of To the Moon‘s series. It follows the life of the doctors’ new patient, Colin, as they attempt to unravel a life that is split down the middle, and fulfill a wish that appears to be self-contradictory by nature.

If you have played the first sequel of the game, To The Moon (TTM) then you might already know that this game will also make you tear jerk a lot. To The Moon is one of the best game on Steam with 10/10 rating.

It is released in Nov 2011 and until now it is one of the game that can easily makes the player emotional. The same company called FreeBird Games also make the game called Finding Paradise which is released on steam on 14 December 2017.

Finding Paradise use the same concept as TTM, which is a world setting where there are doctors that can make your wish come true at the end of your life by changing the patient memories. The patient will be able to fill up his/her regret and leave the world without any regret at all.

In Finding Paradise, your patient is an old pilot which has a lingering feeling / regret on his life that he need to finish. Your job is to guide Dr Rosalene and Dr Watts to fill up his regrets.

Source: Youtube

Finding Paradise is a good game with a combination of good humor and good story. It will surely gives yourself a good laugh and tears build up in your eyes while playing the game. It is definitely a pretty game.

If you want to check out the game. Please click on the link below! Have a nice day!

Steam: Finding Paradise

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