Reed Game Review – A Much Easier Game than Trap Adventure 2

Reed Game Review – A Much Easier Game than Trap Adventure 2
Have you ever played the Trap Adventure Game and frustrated because of its difficulty. There are tons of rage games that you can play online, from Unfair Mario, Cat Mario, and many more.
All of this rage game is popularize by a youtuber called Pewdiepie. Hmmm, what if you wanted to play a same kind of game but a much more easier kind? Well, good for you, there is a game much more easier than Trap Adventure 2 but it is still difficult to beat. The game is called Reed.
Reed – it’s a tiny creature and the last creation of an old supercomputer.
The old supercomputer is dying by losing all of his cubes and he’s getting much slower without them.
Without supercomputer, world is going to end.
Could you help him and save the world ?
Can you collect all the cube that could be found in levels that are not so easy to pass ?
Reed is one of those game that you will get addictive and it is easy to learn but hard to master. The game has amazing gameplay and story with a good graphic and so is the animation. However the control is unnecessarily difficult. The control will feel good for the first few level, but once there are spikes, nothing makes sense anymore. The game will automatically be 200% more difficult in you trying to make a precise movement with the control.