By Jay / / Games

UnderCover – A Really Fun Game as An Ice Breaker with A New Friends

Have you ever hang out with your friends and then losing a topic to say with your friends. If you have then we are probably the same, didn’t you hate it when that happen?

Well, a good ice breaker game to relieve the topic is by playing a fun game that you can play with your friends. I have found a really new fun game, and can be downloaded by both iPhone and Android. It is UnderCover.


Civilians, the Undercover and Mr.White share the land of Undercover ^^

Your goal is to find out the other players’ identities (and yours!) as fast as possible to eliminate your enemies

Your clue is your secret word!

If you are looking for a great party game then seek no more. You have found one of the best. Undercover can be play with your group of friends, offline with only one phone. The game is really easy to understand.

First of all, each of your friends will pick a card that will in turn give you a word. That word is your secret word, and your goal is to find the odd one that didn’t have the same word.

Let me give you an example. You are playing with 4 group of friends. You start the game, and then pick the card. After picking you will be given a word, for example apple.

After the other had finished picking the card, the game will then give you the order of who will first describe the word. You will then describe the word, like “it is red in color” Or “it is a fruit”.

If suddenly one of your friends said that “it is an animal” then you will know that the odd one is the one that said that. So, you vote with your group of friends and if you manage to find the undercover / the odd one outs then you will be given 2 points. If for some reason the undercover manage to get away then the undercover will be given +10 points.

I think it is a really fun game that can be played with a group of friends. Definitely worth your time, and i hope that this will help you deepen your friendship.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day!

App Rating : Undercover (Free (In App Ads))

Ice Breaker GameUnderCover Game ReviewWord Game
About Jay
A Content writer for Contact me on [email protected], we can't reply to gmail for some reason.