4 Best Android Coding Apps for Free – Practice Everywhere

Best Android Coding Apps for Free – Practice Everywhere

If you are a guy that want to learn coding, then you might want to practice. Today, we will give you a list of apps that is perfect for beginner coder that wanted to learn how to code. Check them out!

1. GrassHopper – Learn to code for free


Learn to code for free on your phone, in as little as 5 minutes a day.

So here’s the deal: everybody can learn to code. The problem is that today’s university-first approach is a bit old school, and frankly, out of touch. That’s why Grasshopper offers a new kind of curriculum for the everyday coder. In particular, Grasshopper:

* Fits in your pocket, and your lifestyle. You don’t need a fancy laptop or a lecture hall to write code. You’ve already got a supercomputer in your pocket! So fire up your smartphone, and start coding during that commercial break, or your evening commute.

* Focuses on doing, not just reading. The best way to learn to code is to actually write code. That’s why Grasshopper goes straight to coding real stuff, not watching hours of videos or learning syntax. You’re writing real JavaScript from the very first lesson.

* Finds the approach that fits you best. One size doesn’t fit all. Not when it comes to pants (even the stretchy ones), and definitely not when it comes to coding. So Grasshopper lets you explore different lessons, and provides just-in-time feedback to guide you along the way.

2. SoloLearn – Learn to code


SoloLearn has the largest collection of FREE code learning content, from beginner to pro! Choose from thousands of programming topics to learn coding concepts, brush up your programming knowledge, or stay aligned with the latest coding trends.

You will be greeted by the friendliest community of coders, where peer support is an essential part of learning and development. Fresh learning content is created by the community daily, facilitating efficient and effective coder skill improvement.

3. Programming Hub – Learn to code


Programming Hub is your one-stop solution to learn all the top programming courses – anywhere, anytime!

Created using research, Programming Hub offers a perfect path to learn programming. You will not only acquire new skills, but also enjoy it like a game. It’s easy, it’s fast and it’s fun!

With a huge collection of programs(code examples), complete course material and compiler for practice, all your programming needs are bundled in a single app for your daily practice.

What all programming languages you can learn?

Java: Java is an object-oriented, general purpose,high-level programming language.Today Java is being used to develop a range of software like web applications, J2ME Apps, Embedded Space, Android, Big Data analytics, etc.

C Programming:C programming is a powerful general-purpose language.If you are new to programming then C Programming is the best language to start your programming journey.In practical C programming is used in Embedded stuff, Systems programming.

C++: C++ is used nearly everywhere for everything from systems programming,numerical and scientific computing,web development,writing compilers, console games, desktop applications and so on.

HTML: HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications.HTML is most commonly used as the format for online documents i.e web pages.

Javascript: JavaScript is a programming language that is run by most browsers.

R Programming: R is a programming language and software environment for statistical analysis, graphics representation and reporting.

4. Py


Learn in-demand skills on the go! Free courses in Swift, Python, Javascript, HTML/CSS, Data Science and more.

Jay: A Content Creator for Roonby.com Contact me on Jason@roonby.com

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