Fitness Fantasy Game Review – One Way to Motivate You for Walking

Fitness Fantasy Game Review – One Way to Motivate You for Walking
Have you ever wanted to change your lifestyle from playing on your couch to playing on the road?
Well, it is hard of course, you need some extra motivation. Nowadays, there are some developers that have made games where the players need to get their ass out of the chair and exercise. One of the example is Pokemon Go.
Today, we are going to give you a fantasy style with magics and swords that is combine with the fitness exercise that you need to get fit and healthy. It is called Fitness Fantasy.
PEDOMETER + RPG = Fitness Fantasy!
Train your team of heroes as you exercise, the more activities the stronger your heroes become! Let’s take on the challenges, and embark on the journey of becoming the new best you!
It has been 12 years since the Dark Force took over Fitland. Villagers await the savior to return. Will you be the one to lead a team of heroes, defeat enemies and save them all?
Fitness Fantasy is a great game that lets you train and exercise to get you fit and healthier. This game is pretty similar to any other RPG games, embark on a quest / journey and defeat the dark force.
However, you are too weak to do that, one of the thing that you can do is upgrading your heroes using the energy that is converted by each steps that you take. Unlike Pokemon go, this game has a definite goal which is to take as many steps as you can to upgrade your heroes, not wandering around aimlessly trying to find the Pokemon that you wanted to catch.
You can also use connect this app with google fitbit, and then walking around the town to increase your heroes level. But if you don’t have the device then you could just use your phone while walking around. This is a great game that lets you exercise while having a fun goal to clear.
Are you interested in downloading the game? Well, if you are then please click on the link below to download it! Thanks and have a nice day!
Fitness Fantasy Game ReviewPEDOMETER + RPG Game