Lord of Dungeon Tips and Tricks – How to Get Better at This Game!

Lord of Dungeon Tips and Tricks – How to Get Better at This Game!

Reigning a dungeon, managing a town, and keeping up with the heroes is a tough job that you need to do while playing the Lord of Dungeon game. Of course, you will need every single help that you can get. So? What should I do?

Well, here we are going to give you some of the tips and tricks that you can use to play the game! Check it out!

1. Don’t be to fixated on one Dungeon only

You might already know this by now, but almost all crafting ingredients come from a dungeon that you own or occupy. Sure you can increase your dungeon resource by expanding or evolving your dungeon. However it will only do well in the beginning.

Sometimes the best way is to abandon your first dungeon, not expanding or evolving it and find another dungeon with a great resource after exploring the field.

2. An Easy way to collect complete exploration!

Exploration is one way to get more money and resource. However, it can be a pain to collect each and every one of the exploration team. Especially if you have more than 5 explorers.

A much more simpler way to collect your explorers is by opening the field exploration map. It will then open up all your explored map with a complete an incomplete exploration point + your maximum exploration. Select your exploration point that has the complete sign and then collect it.

3.  Companion Fusion!

Did you know that you can fuse all of the monster and companion 10 for a higher grade? For example Novice can be improve to Elite, Expert can be improve to Elite, Elite can be improve to Master.

However, you need to sacrifice 10 companion to get 1 and you don’t even know what jobs it has. That is why, upgrade your tavern to find more companion that you can recruit and then fuse them to get easier high level companion.

4. Easily find more equipment by going on a journey.

A high level equipment can be used to easily increase your status, but making your own equipment can be a hard task especially if you are a beginner, to gain an equipment easily, go on a journey and explore another person dungeon, with it you will have a small chance to gain a rare and ancient equipment.

5. Greeting > Capturing

Although capturing a monster might sound more attractive, greeting them is more useful. It is because greeting a monster can give you an intimacy points. Intimacy points will give you a more closer relationship with a field. The closer your relationship with a field.

You will then gain a more rarer items. So try to explore focus on each field until you gain their trust, and then move on to another one. A good relationship with one field can also give you a rarer monster, you might found a legendary monster that you can capture in the field!

Jay: A Content Creator for Roonby.com Contact me on Jason@roonby.com

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