7 Years From Now Game Review – A Really Good Tear Jerking Game :)

7 Years From Now Game Review – A Really Good Tear Jerking Game 🙂

You know, i am a sensitive type of guy. I love a good sad story that lets you be immerse into the story, and i know some of you guys are too.

The first sad game that i have ever played is the famous RPG maker game called “To The Moon”. If you guys haven’t heard or haven’t played the game yet. I really recommend you to check it out.

It is a really old game but can still get me to bawl like a baby. Since then, i have been wanting to get that same reaction by playing a game, and thankfully i found a game called 7 Years from Now.

Source: Google Play


7 years ago, I lost my memories…
But there is one promise I can never forget–

“I’ll be waiting for you, 7 years from now…”
A promise with someone I have no recollection of

To find the missing pieces of my memory
And to fulfill my promise I made that day
I came back to this town–

This game…. I can’t say anything but a master piece. You see, this is the type of game that i am waiting for. This game had actually been made years ago, but it hadn’t been translated. I have been waiting for the game since it got a high rating even back then and after playing the game. It is really worth the wait.

The game is an interactive story game. The game is separated into different chapter, and each chapter will leave you wanting to know more about the game. Of course, since it is a mobile game, each chapter is short, but that doesn’t mean that the game lacks in its story. The story is beautifully put, and the ending…. unbelievable!

For those that are playing the game the first time, i suggest you to bear with it. I know that the graphic is not that good, and the story line is pretty boring at first, but after the first half. You will be stunned, and get more curious!

There is nothing more to say about this game because i don’t want to spoil anything, but really. Try it. You won’t be disappointed.

Jay: A Content Creator for Roonby.com Contact me on Jason@roonby.com

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