Ragnarok M: Eternal Love Guide – Mage, Wizards for Solo Play, What You Need to Know

Ragnarok M Eternal Love Guide: Mage, Wizards for Solo Play, What you need to have.

There are 2 types of Mage in the Ragnarok M Eternal Love player. One that play in a party, dealing damage while being safe in the back lanes, being protected by others, and the other one is the Solo Mage, that can wipe out the entire monster in the area alone taking all the loots in the area. Both are a pretty good mage type, but i personally prefer the solo type mage, because i am greedy for the loot, and because of that today we will give you an easy guide for Mage / Wizards for solo play.

1. Frost Diver is a Must

Because you will be in a solo play, a disabling skill that enables you to run away from the enemies is a must. Which is why, although not efficient. You will need to have Frost diver skill. Frost diver is a water element skill that have a chance to freeze the enemy, rendering it useless for some time, and changing their elements to water.

2. Lightning bolt is another must

Now, if you are an original ragnarok gamer. Then you will definitely know this combo, Frost Diver and Lightning bolt. Because you had taken the frost diver skill that can change any monster elements to water. You can then use Lightning bolt which is strong against water to kill them in one go. It is because of that, you will need to have these 2 spells. However in the late game, after changing your jobs, you can then take on other lightning spells like Jupiter Thunder and so on to further increase your damage.

3. Soul strike for spamming

Another thing that you can use to further enhance your farming speed is by spamming soul strike all around the map. Soul strike is one of the easiest spell to spam because of the fast casting speed. which makes it perfect for spamming. Try to use it on payon dungeon which has undead or ghost type monster on it. Because soul strike is strong against those type of enemies. After changing your job you can then reset your skill to get another set of skill.

4. SP Recovery for More SP

In a Solo Play, although all of the loot will be yours, you will still need to watch out for your SP. Because it will sometimes hinder your Farming speed. So be sure to get the SP recovery skill to the max.

5. Take anything that you wanted after

Besides all of those 4 above, you can take any skills that you wanted because you will mostly use those 4 skills. You can take Fireball, Fire bolt, or anything that you wanted to further enhance your skill depending on the enemies that you encounter. Even when you change your job, you will still use this 4 skill above because of the low casting time and the effectiveness in solo playing. Which is why, take anything that you wanted after getting those 4 skill above. If you are usually being attacked by enemies, then use firewall, if not take other skill

And there you have it, some of the guide for Solo Mage in Ragnarok M eternal Love. Got any other tips? Comment down below.

See other Ragnarok M Guide for more information as to how to play the game.

Jay: A Content Creator for Roonby.com Contact me on Jason@roonby.com

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