Life is A Game – Easy Game where A Single Choice Matters…

Have you ever heard an advice that said “Choice do matters” where every single action that you take every single day will affect your life in general. In this game it does, every single thing that you do will affect you, if you hurt a person, then you are bound to be hated. If you are a helpful person, then you will be loved. Simple right? a really good example that you can follow can be found in this game called Life is a game.

Life is a game is a life simulation running game where you will be playing as a person from your birth to your death. The running is a symbolism where in real life, even if you had a bad events in your life. It will still goes on.

The game is actually pretty similar to the original real life where your life and your appearance will change based on the amount of coins you obtain, the choices that you make and lastly the jobs that you will had.

For example, if you paint as a child you will be an artistic teenager, if you help your brother as a child you will be able to get more friend and be more social, and so on. After a child phases you will go to school and then make another choices in life as a teenager. After that you will be able to go as a man in his prime, wed your spouse, get a child and then die as an elder. However there will be times when your choice will go wrong and you die early.

This game makes you think about life in a way. It makes you appreciate more about what you had and what you need to do. The developer Daerisoft definitely makes a good game that represent how life works in a simple sense.

If you are interested in the game in general. I really recommend you to try and play it!

Jay: A Content Creator for Contact me on

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