Mobile Legend Next Update: Badang Will Come To Original Server First!

If you haven’t known it yet, the patch before Christmas release the new original hero based on Malaysian story called Badang. Which is a male fighter hero. Badang is originally release after the release of Kadita, and before Vale. But,Vale hasn’t been released yet to the original server til now. However that doesn’t mean that it won’t be released because there is a talk that after Badang, Vale will be next.

Now, originally as a Fighter hero, Badang will have a high amount of damage in the late game. However, his skill sets is not that great the first time of its release. Which is why he got a reworked (you can see the rework made to the hero badang from the Video above thanks to Hororo Chan).

The rework boost his damage, crowd control, over all. Making him one fearsome fighter that will be able to get into the META in season 11. According to the ML_Leaks account on instagram. The hero badang will be accessible in the original server in 15th January 2019, so be sure to save up 32.000 BP to buy him.

Jay: A Content Creator for Contact me on

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