Night of The Full Moon Tips And Tricks: How to Use Life Talisman

Night of The Full Moon is a fun free trading card games that you can play anywhere as long as you had your phone. The game is so much fun and had a really depth strategy that you can use to easily win the game.

However, there are still some people that don’t understand most things in the game. Which is why today, we will give you a tips and tricks + explanation on how to use one of the Night of the Full Moon Equipment “Life Talisman”

Life Talisman is an equipment that can be use to get an immunity in all sense. Either Poison, Piercing Damage, Fire Damage, and even damage that is made by your card. This equipment is pretty useful if you are up against a poison base enemies like death or even a frog that mainly use debuff and poison so on to disrupt your enemies and killing them in their turn.

However this item can only be found in 4 jobs which is Little Witch, Ranger, and The Nun. Besides that, this item won’t be available.

Now, this item is pretty useful for:

  • Poison Resistance, Fire Resistance, Piercing and any type of damage that is dealt in your turn.
  • Combo with any cards that deal damage / attack first before useful, for example like one of the nun equipment “Confessions” that deal piercing damage each turn. However with life talisman it won’t be a problem.
  • and so on.

So there you have it, an easy guide on how to use life talisman on night of the full moon. If you got any other question, be sure to comment down below!

Jay: A Content Creator for Contact me on

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