By Jay / / Games

Honestly, the Auto Chess game has been one of our favorite. Ever since the first time it came out on DOTA 2. The hype of the game is pretty strong since the announcement that the game will be going to mobile!

We have been playing the game for a little while. So much surprise, the game actually has a lot of feature that can be explore. It can be a little bit tiring, and confusing for a beginner to try and play the game. Today, we will give you a really easy and simple guide for you guys to understand the game in general.

First of all, if you didn’t know the objective of the game, the goal is to survive the endless round that will be going on each time, it depending on your strategy, your game play and so on. You will be able to win the game.

There are races depending on the game, each races has their own synergy that you can use to further emphasize on the game in general. For example, you can on 2 Psyker character to reflect all damage given, 3 Assassins to further increase their critical damage and so on.

Here is the guide that we have written. Check it out below!

1. The first 3 rounds will always be free

Basically in this game, the first 3 rounds that you play will always be free. With that 3 rounds, you can manage to strategically do plan everything, you will need to summon more heroes to kill the waves.

Apart from that, the first 3 rounds will also give you some items that will help you further in the game. Because of that, you will need to think more strategically depending on what item you get, what type of heroes you use in the first round and so on. So try to make a correct judgement!

2. The goal is not to win but to not be a loser

In this game, you will be up against 7 other player that will also compete in the match, and after round 3, the 4th round will always be you against other player.

In this game, if you want to improve your rank or tier, you don’t need to win the game or be the winner. Your goal is to not lose or be the last, you will be able to increase your tier little by little. Of course, winning will increase it a lot sooner, but don’t force it, if you can’t because it will only make your head hurts.

3. Combos >> Rank up (Combine) >> Units

Now, for the most important part in the game. You will need to understand that if you had 3 of the same unit in the game, you will be able to combine those units to make a more powerful foe.

However, the combination of the unit won’t necessarily be the best, if you have the combos on. For example 1 combo unit, won’t be able to fight against 3 assassins that have have the increased critical damage.

In regards to that, your combination is also needed to kill a much more powerful units in the game. So be sure to use a good strategy on that.

4. See the other player to get the gist of everything

Like I said earlier, after the fourth round, you will be up against other people in general. Now, the good thing is that you are able to see the other players. How they set up their pieces, and how they fight. It means that you can use it on your next strategy.

Now, each time you battle with each other. You are able to see who win and who lose. Including your battle with someone, or if someone that is battling with you too.

Here is the good part, if you win every single round, then you are good to go. However, if you lost the round then you are in a pinch, and so definitely try to rank up, find your combo, and use a much more powerful unit in regards to that.

5. Roles!

Because this game is based on a really popular MOBA game, you can always use the strategy to win the game. For example 1 vanguard, 1 tank, and many Assassins and so on. Depending on how well you use the strategy, you could always win the game, and each strategy might not work as well as before, so be sure to try lots of different combination in the game. The thing that work well for me is that 1 tank, 3 assassins, 1 long shot and other depending on the build in general.

So there you have it, some of the best tips on tricks on how to win as a beginner in Arena of Evolution. If you want to read a lot more tips and tricks like this one, comment down below and click on the guide section in this site to read more!

Arena of Evolution Mobile GuideArena of Evolution Mobile Tips and TricksBeginner Guidegames
About Jay
A Content writer for Contact me on, we can't reply to gmail for some reason.