Pokemon Master by DeNa and Nintendo can Now be Pre-Register

Nowadays, everyone know about a character called Pokemon. It is known for almost all generation in the world. Now, if you didn’t know, Pokemon will get a new mobile game called Pokemon Master which was officially announced last month. It is announced at a Nintendo conference that is held around 29 May, and is collaboration between a company Nintendo and DeNa.

The game is about training your Pokemon and becoming the Pokemon master as of its title said. The game will have a turn based gameplay as of the original Pokemon game. You can use almost control 3 trainer. Each trainer will be able to use 3 pokemon and command them to defeat the enemy. But except for those, currently there is not much that is known from the game yet.

The game can now be pre-register on an app called TapTap for both android and iOS Device. You can first download the TapTap APK and then search for the Pokemon Masters, or by clicking the link below to automatically be directed to the Pokemon Master web.

See other Pokemon game below

Pokemon Rumble Rush

Pokemon Quest, Blocky Pokemon Game

Pokemon Magikarp Jump – New Type of Pokemon Game 

Pokemon Revolution – An Online Pokemon MMORPG Game 

Jay: A Content Creator for Roonby.com Contact me on Jason@roonby.com

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