Ecosia – Search Now and Make The World A Better Place!

With global warming issue that is on the news, more people are understanding the consequence behind their action to the environment. And because of that people are trying to do everything that they can to save the world.

Well, not necessarily save the world, but at least they try to donate something. Now, which is an option for those that are blessed enough to use their money. But what if i tell you guys now, you can contribute in the environment without using your money. Simply by using a search engine called Ecosia.

Ecosia is a search engine that if the user search 45 things in the net by using the app, it will finance the planting of one tree. Which means that with every 45 search in the app, you will contribute in making the world a better place to live.

Ecosia earns an average of 0.5f 0.5 cents (EUR) per search. It costs our tree planting partners about 0.22 EUR to plant a tree. 22 cents divided by 0.5 cents makes about 45 searches until we can plant one new tree. Depending on clicks on ads and how much search ad revenue these generate for Ecosia, it may take fewer searches. Think of it this way: we currently fund the planting of a new tree every second” Ecosia

Now for the fun part, thing of it this way. You guys have already use Google as your search engine. So, why not use Ecosia. Even if you didn’t search anything. As long as you use it in one month or even just a year. You will contribute in making the world a better place by planting a tree. Since Ecosia is powered by Bing, you will still be able to seek what you search in the search bar.

So what are you waiting for, Search Now, and make the world a better place!

Jay: A Content Creator for Contact me on

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