How to Update Your iPhone to iOS 13 and Its Feature!

After a long time, Apple finally release the iOS update for their users. Before, iOS 13 is intruduce at WWDC 2019 on last June and will soon release the update for iPad user in the near future. What is the newest feature of iOS 13?
Dark Mode
The most interesting update on iOS 13 is the ability to use dark mode to make your screen more fashionable to use. It makes iOS 13 the first Operating System that supports both light and dark mode.
The Dark mode feature will also affect most of the system apps including lock screen, home screen and some of 3rd party app also support it. When in the dark mode, the background that usually use a cool light tone will be dark and have a black tone. This feature is claimed by Apple that device such as iPhone that used OLED such as iPhone X, iPhone XS, and iPhone 11.
New Photo Feature
Photo app will get a new feature on iOS13. It not only help you but also be used to organized your picture and edit your photos. Not only that, you won’t even need to use the folder “Camera Roll” anymore. You can now list your picture depending on the date from year, month, and day for all picture. And most photo tab will have a more clear and clean design. The best thing is that you can transfer your Raw Format from digital camera to iPad or iPhone easily.
Gaming Controller
If you are a gamer, now iOS 13 supports gaming controller, which means that you can use your iPad or iPhone to play some game with easy control.
Potrait Lightning
Your iPhone camera will have a high tech modern Potrait Lightning feature that can be used to adjust bokeh or depth of field in your phone camera before taking your picture. The best thing is that, the portrait lightning mode can also add a high key mono effect to make your potrait image monochromatic.
QuickPath Keyboard
Although keyboard update had been release since iOS 9, Apple added some customization such as QuickPath on your keyboard. Which mean that you can type in with swipe from one word to other to type faster.
Safari Download Manager
With this update, it seems like Apple is trusting their download on Safari, where user can now download most document in the net by using the iOS13 Safari Download Manager.
Sign in With Apple
For Privacy reason, there are one important update on iOS13. Where user can now sing in with apple to protect your privacy data such as when you want to connect to your email with a service. User only need to sign up with a new service that include the sign in with apple system and iOS 13 will give you a random ID that is connected to Apple ID which is a lot similar to two factor authentication. With the feature, the service won’t be able to get users personal information such as name, and email.
Memoji Sticker
User can now use the Memoji Sticker feature to turn the memoji that you had made into a sticker that can be shared by using keyboard emoji. Which means that you can use the Memoji Sticker to other apps such as mail, whatsapp or even other messaging apps.
So, there is 2 way to update to iOS 13. Which is by using OTA Updates, or iTunes on your computer.
For the First method, OTA Updates you must have 4GB Free storage space, 50% Battery or you are on charging mode, do not activate the low power mode, use a stable wifi connection.
Afterwards you can then go to Settings – General – Software update, to download the file needed for the update and wait.
For the Second method that use iTunes you will need, the newest iTunes version on either Mac or PC, you need to connect your computer with stable internet, and then connect your iPhone / device that you want to update on your Mac or PC with the original data cable.
Afterwards, open the iPhone tab and back up your phone first before proceeding the update.
It is not that hard to update your phone, but you need to back it up first in case something goes wrong.
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AppleHow to Update iOS 13iOS 13 FeatureiOS 13 Update