Kakao Games, Legendary Moonlight Sculptor – Class and Combat System Trailer!

After releasing the pre-registration site, XLGAMES and Kakao Games finally release some new information regarding their newest game Legendary Moonlight Sculptor. The dev had released 2 new trailers regarding the newest MMORPG and you can see it on the video below.

On the trailer, player can see some of the skill effects that will going in the game. Where player can use bunch of different skill sets to kill the enemies that will give you gold and item. You can use skill sets from the original novel such as sculptor Moonlight sculpting blade.

Apart from that, player can also see the trailer of the upcoming game’s gameplay from Dungeon Raid, PVE, and PVE on the trailer.

The game Legendary Moonlight Sculptor is based on a popular South Korean, and right now there are 3 millions people that participate in the pre-registration on its official site. The game will be up on 10 October this year. So just wait for more information in our website.

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Jay: A Content Creator for Roonby.com Contact me on Jason@roonby.com

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