User Will Get Banned From Instagram and Facebook for Using Eggplant and Peach Emojis!


Eggplant and Peach are often used as a symbol of sexual things on the internet, and it seems that there are many people that are not comfortable with it, since, for that reason, Facebook and Instagram have just updated their guidelines to ban the use of both emojis as part of a sexual expression on their social media platform.

If a user is found reported to uses both emojis to suggest that they are sexually aroused, then the user will be flagged and it will be qualified as part of “Sexual Solicitation” in both platforms. Instagram told the New York Post on their site that they aren’t taking an action on simply the emojis, such emojis used to cover nipples, butts or any other private suggestive areas will also lead a user to be flagged that could later get them banned from either platform.

It also seems like the content will only be removed from both platforms if they contain a sexual emoji along with an implicit or indirect ask for a nude image, sex, or even sex chat conversation.

And of course, links to adult content and pornography will also get the user banned. So, what are your thought regarding Instagram and Facebook’s new policy? Do you think that it is to harsh from both sides? or do you think that this is okay?

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