Pou is Back, Reason Why It is Deleted!

If you didn’t know yet, one of the most popular simulation game called “Pou” had been deleted in Google Play Store. It is first known from a Facebook group post, “Pou” is deleted and can’t be found in Play Store.

The Facebook user suspected that the developer had deleted the game but in fact, this is only temporary as it is currently back and can be downloaded by any user that want to play it!

For a few moments, the overly popular game that had been downloaded by more than 500 millions people world wide can’t be accessed in google play store per December 2019. Even though it is up now, many of its user are still wondering why the developer deleted it.

So quoting one of the online media HowtoSquarePou already on Playstore again and turn out the developer only temporally delete the game to make an update, so it is still there.”

Hopefully, the update is worth it because it certainly shook some part of the internet because of the popular mini pet simulation game. If you are interested in checking out the game. Download it now on google play store!

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Jay: A Content Creator for Roonby.com Contact me on Jason@roonby.com

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