Firefox Private Network for Mobile and More Updates!

The number of news regarding hack and scams have been increasing. It makes people think more about their online activities. Everyone want to protect their privacy, ensuring that no one is watching you!

Which is why many browsers are currently updating some of their feature, enabling the user to protect their privacy, for example Firefox that is currently making their own VPN called Firefox Private Network or FPN.

Firefox is currently offering up the FPN (Firefox Private Network) to the beta tester on the next update. This update had been announced back in September, where Firefox offers an easier way for their user to utilize VPN tech to shield of their web activities from prying eyes by simply adding an extension that you can add to your browser.

Firefox Private Network to protect your privacy

If you need an instant VPN service, then simply use the Firefox Private Network or FPN extension on the browser and turn on the FPN. However, Mozilla itself isn’t confident on the feature, and put on some limitation for the user, where as the time limited free FPN protection only works for 12 hours a month.

But if you wanted to extend the virtual private extension outside of the browser for any related activities user will need to paid for the subscription of $4.99. FYI, user will need to be on waiting list first before they are able to use it.

The next version of Firefox for mobile has been updated with a few new feature, like Enhanced Tracking Protection’s. The new browser is still in beta and is currently gathering feedback on how much the private network focused mobile browser will be able to satisfy their users. So what do you think about this updated feature? If you are looking for news on FPN you can see it here~!

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