Plague.Inc Got A Massive Popularity because Corona Virus Outbreak!

Wuhan Resident is currently dealing with one of the worst virus outbreak called Corona Virus. Not only Wuhan but also China and other nearby country are dealing with the outbreaks. Taking measurements regarding the outbreaks, and helping one another. However, there are many victims that are being held by the virus.

But as the outbreak continues to expand and spread, a game that is wildly popular about virtual outbreaks, Plague.Inc had a massive growth in popularity. The game that is made by Ndemic Creation and Miniclip SA. The game is gaining one of the massive growth in sales on iOS.

In China that is the source of the outbreak, the game got into the top chart of the week in App Store, while the free version of Android also got a massive download growth on the site.

For those that are unfamiliar with the game, It is about a mad scientist that is trying to infect the entire world with a deadly virus. It is not surprising since there is a meme regarding the game and the massive outbreak which makes this game experienced a surge in popularity last week.

But it seems that it is not the first time this type of thing happened. Since James Vaughan, founder of Ndemic Creation and creator of the game said that “Whenever there is an outbreak of disease we see an increase in players, as player seek to find out more about how the disease spread and to understand the complexities of the viral outbreak”

Of course, the player needs to note that it is just a game. It doesn’t represent the outbreak itself, and Ndemic Creation also urges players concerned about the coronavirus to check the WHO (World Health Organization) site for the latest information!

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