By Jay / / Games Mobile Legends

There are many spells on Mobile Legends. It is a feature that is implemented by Moonton to help players kill, and survive in the game. Each spell has its own purpose, but some is much more popular than the other.

Such as Vengeance, for example, people have been using flame shot and execute as their main damage dealing ability rather than vengeance that can be used to kill and heal more in the game.

Thankfully, in the next update, Vengeance will get a huge buff!

As you can see in the image above, Vengeance is going to have a massive buff. Users will be able to use this spell to reduce the damage taken, especially helpful for fighter and tank in both early and late game. This will help them survive the damage taken from their opponents more and kill them by using the spell ability, after that you can also heal yourself by using this item in the end.

Currently, there is only one item that can reduce the damage taken which is wings of apocalypse queen, and it is one of the core items for most fighters to survive in the match more. Fighters that use this item usually have a really easy time to survive in the match longer. Added with Vengeance, most fighters will be able to kill, heal, and then survive more battle overall.

This is a huge buff for vengeance and it will definitely help tanker and fighter role players win more match!

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gamesMobile LegendsMobile Legends NewsMobile Legends UpdateSpell Mobile LegendsVengeance buff
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