Ragnarok M Eternal Love: Luoyang Monster Guide!

Ragnarok M: Eternal Love is going to have an update called Luoyang City. It is a city with a new farming map, monster, items and of course loots that can help you be more OP in the game. With it, there are many mobs that is available in the game.
Which is why, today we will guide you on Luoyang Monster guide and what kind of monster that is available on the following map Sunset Shoal, Silverfish Lake Bottom, Wasteland and lastly Moonlight Cave!
1. Silver Lake Bottom
Monster List:
Monster data: Murloc, Water Snake, Red-Tailed Mermaid, Lady Silverfish, Boitata
2. Sunset Shoal
Monster List:
Monster Data: Lantern Merfolk, Mageweaver, Panda Poring, Fox Fairy Laikaon, Serpent Demon Gorgon
3. Wasteland
Monster List:
Monster Data: Maple Forest, Wild Creamy, Wild Man-Eating Plant, Wild Rat, Wild Spike Hammer, Maple Elf Isma, Wasteland Lord
4. Moonlight Cave
Monster List:
Monster Data: Spectral Mushroom, Ghost Bat, Wildfire, Moriko Ladybug
If you are interested in our guide, why not check out other ragnarok guide here on roonby! Ragnarok M: Eternal Love Class Guide – Who is The Best Farmer? and Luoyang City Guide Here!
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gamesRagnarok M Luoyang CityRagnarok M Luoyang GuideRagnarok M Monster guideRagnarok M: Eternal Love Guide