10 Best Ragnarok Mobile Eternal Love Cosplay that will make Your Heart Melt!

Ragnarok Mobile is one of the greatest mobile game with a good community. There are many fans around the world that play the game, and in turn of expressing their fondness, there are some that make an artwork to it.

One of which is cosplay short from (Costume Play) where players make a character that they like in real life by using a costume that they make.

So today, we are going to give you guys some of the best Ragnarok Mobile Eternal Love Cosplay that will definitely melt your heart. Check it out!

1. Wanderer / Dancer

Model: NaokiZ

Who says Dancer can’t kill you with their looks?

2. Kafra

Model: aza_miyuko

We never know the lady’s name, only Kafra that works hard for our sake 🙂

3. Royal Guard

Model: Eki Holic

Her slim body works hard for our sake in the front line as vanguard!

4. Sura

Model: Pion

Who wants to be hit with my fist?

5. Arch Bishop

Model: Suya

Who knows a priest can carry so much weight (for the team)

6. Rune Knight

Model: Supermarket

I don’t sit on a throne, but when i do, i look good…

7. Sniper

Model: Yuhee

Have I sniped your heart yet?

8. Zealotus

Model: Spiral Cats Doremi

Who said Monster can’t be sexy 😀

9. Blacksmith

Model: Tokimandee

Who know blacksmith carry a weight aside from hammer

10. ArchBishop (Again)

Model: Julia

Who knows something so pure can be so good.

Bonus: Super Novice

Model: Asdcvbtuym 

Super novice at your service.

Well, are you heated yet? If you want to support the models that work hard for this content, click on the link below their respective cosplay to know them better.

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Jay: A Content writer for Roonby.com Contact me on Jason@roonby.com, we can't reply to gmail for some reason.