Mobile Legends | New System that will Increase Winning Chance when Losing for Epic Comeback!

In the next updates of Mobile Legends, they are trying to increase the chance of losing the team to win the game. This is of course a welcome change for more balanced game play in the next few updates. Because in this game, if you have a losing team with a really bad teammates that feed in the game, your chance of winning is really low that you can’t even do anything, especially in the current META where burst damage heroes can deal massive damage to a tank hero.

As you can see on the highlighted part of Mobile Legends’ newest patch updates, Eliminating enemies with higher net worth will grant more bonus gold. This means that if you have an enemy hero that farm most of the time (Especially marksman) in the game, and you can shut them down by ganking this said enemies in the mid-game.

You will be able to gain more gold than farming. This will change the importance of the ganking system in the game. You will need to actively communicate with your teams to kill the enemies with higher net worth rather than farming most of the time. This can also change the late game systems of the losing team, where you will be able to get more gold after killing one enemy that sidetracks from their allies and gain more gold to change the flow of the game.

Of course, this is easier said than done, but the change is very much welcome in the current META. Because it is really hard to come back after losing a war or 2 inside the game. What do you think about these updates overall?

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