Mobile Legends, Lapu – Lapu Revamps Looks so Powerfull!

Lapu Lapu Mobile LegendsLapu Lapu Mobile Legends

As a part of Mobile Legends NEXT, Moonton revamped some of the unpopular heroes for their players. As of now, there are some heroes including Eudora, Miya, Layla, Alucard, and many more that are going to be revamped in the next few updates. One of the newest ones is Lapu – Lapu. Finally, he got its updates in the advance server!


The revamp is going to change most of his abilities, especially his fighter form where he wields a huge great swords around and deals massive damage to his enemies. The twin blade form is going to have a revamp on his ultimate.

His ultimate lets him leaps forward to the chosen area, dealing damage in the area and changes his form. There is no delay to change his form now, and users will be able to immediately execute other skills for more damage to the enemies.

Almost all of his skills are changed in the great sword form. The first skill is basically his post revamp twin-blade ultimate, where he will channel his huge swords in the selected area, and after 1s or more, he will stun and deal massive damage to his enemies.

His seconds’ skills is basically his greatsword’s ultimate abilities, where he deal massive damage to his enemies near him.

Lastly his ultimate changes to 3 huge slash combos that will deal massive damage accordingly. Much like Martis skill 2 abilities, however it is not known if these abilities have an anti CC which is similar to Martis, but it will definitely deal huge damage because of Lapu – Lapu passives that will increase his damage by 25%.

So what do you think about this Lapu – Lapu revamp, he will definitely become more popular after the revamp right? Well, we can only wait for the update!

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