Finally, Civilization VI Comes to Mobile Devices!

Finally, Civilization VI is released on Android devices. The game released by 2K Games, and Aspyr Media. They released a fully functional port for Civilization VI for the android devices.
If you have never played the Civilization series before, it is basically a turn-based strategic game, where you will explore the world and expands your town.
The mobile edition of the game includes all of the game base content, not including the game expansions, but the Civilization VI: Rise and Fall and Civilization VI: Gathering Storm will can be bought separately in-app purchases.
If you are interested in the game, you can first try 60 turns for free without paying the full game, and pay it after without losing your progress on your previous game.
The game is fully purchasable for $19.99, for those that are interested in the game you can go and download it now on Google Play store for Android devices, and App Store for iOS. The game is released earlier this week on August 13, 2020, on mobile devices.
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