Moonton Promise a more fair Matchmaking in Mobile Legends!

Moonton recently released a new trailer video regarding their newest project NEXT updates. The updates will fix their match-making system, which is an ongoing problem since the first release of the game. As you can see in the video below:

This matchmaking optimization system fix by Moonton is going to give the players a more stable and better match to increase their player’s overall game experience. Whereas, previously Moonton only decides to put together all players that have the same rank, and a tier above or below in one match. Now, on the updates, Moonton is going to search for players based on their statistic, emblem level, ranks, and win rate to give their players a much more stable and better experience overall.

Of course, this update is a welcome change for Mobile Legends players, since there are many smurf players that are playing the games nowadays, making ranks matchmaking isn’t as fun as it used to be, and competitive plays become boring because of the unfair matchmakings.

Hopefully, with this update, Mobile Legends will become a much better game than before.

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