Got another buff, Mobile Legends Karrie is going to be so OP Again!

If you have played mobile legends for so long, then you will most definitely know about a character named Karrie that has the ability to kill all tanks in a matter of minutes. This character that can deal massive damage base on your max HP is going to get another buff by Moonton, buffing her overall damage in the early game.

On the patch update, it is said that Moonton wants Karrie to exert her strength earlier in the fight against tanker. Which is why they are going to buff her early game damage of her passive. Basically increasing her passive damage from 6% to 8% in the early game.

This means a lot, because before Mobile Legends had given Karrie a nerf that reduced her early game damage to the previous 6%. It is because she is so OP and is picked the most in any ranked game. Based on her ability alone, she has a free demon hunter sword that can be used to kill any character easily. You can built her with anything including tank Karrie that for some reason comes out a few months back.

Well, hopefully, this update won’t go live in Mobile Legends original server, but what do you think about this buff?

Mobile Legends can be played now on Android and iOS!

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