Moonton is reselling Mobile Legends Zodiac Skins!


Much like the previous resell event, Each skin will represent a zodiac sign. There will be Odette with Virgo, Lancelot with Pisces, Zhask with Cancer, Minotaur with Taurus, Aurora with Aquarius, Selena and Karina with Gemini, Hilda with Aries, Badang with Leo, Lunox with Libra, Martis with Capricorn, Irithel with Sagittarius, and lastly Helcurt with Scorpio.

Players will be able to get the zodiac skins according to their monthly sign. If they had collected all 13 of the skins, Mobile Legends will give them a limited recall effect that is so cool to look at. However, do note that the skin event will need their players to roll 100 times before you are able to get the skins. Each roll cost around 20, and for 5 rolls it usually cost around 100 diamonds. If we do the math, you will need to top up around 2000 diamonds to get the skin.

Mobile Legends can be played now on Android and iOS!

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