By Jay / / Android Apple Games Ragnarok Mobile

Ragnarok Mobile Eternal Love is going strong this year, After the release of many new feature a few months below, including the opening of LuoYang the dragon city. There are going to be a major patch update that introduce a new modes in the game. Today we will summary 10 new things on Ragnarok Mobile Eternal Love 7.5 Patch Update.

Note: This article is based on MissMaven on Youtube, You can see the video below

1. Moon Lake City

There are going to be a new City called Moonlake with a bunch of different interesting quest in it. Aside from that, there are also 2 new maps on the game Odin Palace, and Palace Main Hall. Moonlake is a standalone city similar to amatsu, and it will give you the 10th chapter main story.

It will be available for players who have reached level 105 in Prontera.

2. 12v12 PVP

There are going to be a new PVP gameplay, where players will have max stats on all of the previous feature in the game. Players will need to use their strategies, skills, and teamwork to win the game.

There are going to be 3 modes in the game:

  • Casual: For Practice
  • Season Mode: Start after 6v6 S5 and lasting 3 weeks from 6pm – 8pm every day
  • Tournament Mode: Available to 64 teams with the highest average score.

Rewards will be: Bishop Emblem that can be exchanged for a various voucher

3. 6v6 PVP Team Optimization

Skill point reset time: Start of Each Season, and there are going to be many new items such as Origin Book, and Glittering Rune Stone Star.

4. Echoing Corridor Update

There are going to make the Echoing Corridor easier to clear.

  • The number of Gold Coin drop in machine room will be doubled,
  • although Osteacusis Chip and Broaden Horizon are increased,
  • reduced the initial gold coins from 31 – 51 floor,
  • The HP of MVP and Mini will be reduced,
  • The effect of the Confinement domain is changed to reduce sp regen.
  • The monster spawn range in the monster room is reduced.
  • No longer need to challenge the highest 10 levels in the clearance record to win weekly rewards.

5. Oracle Mirror Optimization

  • Synthesize Equip can now be used as an Extraction material. The attributes are the same as the non synthesized equipment
  • The extracted attribute cannot be activated if the extraction material if your equipment is the same.
  • Oracle mirror can be used in non-main city areas. There are going to be 60s cooldown though

6. Advance Rune System Optimization

  • Rune Smelting can now be performed directly in the rune box. So you don’t need to go to NPC
  • Limit Rune and attribute bags increased to 400

7. Optimization to Wasteland

  • More tips in-game to upgrade the divine spirit tree
  • The consumables Lucky Bag, Dream Chopping Blade, and Conjury Power Potion can now be used in batch

8. Skill Adjustment

  • Solar Trouvere and Luna Danseuse: Can no longer use Bragis Faith and Smile of Eden while performing an ensemble
  • Stellar Hunter: Star Arrow is now affected by shrimp pond
  • Assassin Cross: EDP duration to 120, CD EDP reduce from 40 to 20.
  • Blade soul: Knell will no longer immune to CC and debuff. When Blade soul and dragon fist are triggered the ball holding status on 6v6 will be automatically lost
  • Novice Guardian: Cart Tornado CD increased to 3.5s. The skill delay is nerfed from 2s to 1.5s.

9. 3D Visual Angle

Players can now change the angle as they want in Settings

10. Bugfix

  • Problem with adventure handbooks achievement can’t be activated
  • Fix Rift Dungeon of the adventure assistant interface cannot be completed quickly
  • Fixed Adventure Assistant displayed abnormal [Thanatos tower] Clearance status
  • Fix problem where interface abnormalities appeared on other NPC in the precision smelting rune class switching interface
  • Fix Zeny is insufficient but interface closed when producing headgear

Hopefully, with these updates, Ragnarok Mobile Eternal Love will be a lot more enjoyable to play. Ragnarok Mobile Eternal love is a free to play action MMORPG game on Android and iOS!

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