New Lucky Shop Skins Mobile Legends!

Lucky Shop Mobile Legends recently got a new leak, and it is good news in my opinion. Because there will be no more Odette and Sun for their players because Moonton finally decides to add a new skin for their lucky shop.

Johnson new skins on Lucky shop is going to be Death Ride, and you can buy it with 40 Lucky Gems. For those that are new to the game, you can find Lucky Gems by spinning Lucky Shop with a small chance of getting the gems. However, if you had played the game, you will know that it is actually pretty easy to accumulate this gems, and this is why Lucky Shop skin is practically a high-quality skins that you can get for free.

However, previously, there are only 2 skins that Moonton gave us, which are the Odette butterfly skin, and Sun Street skin. Thankfully, Moonton finally decides to add this skin to the mix and give us something new after more than a year.

If you are interested in Death Ride Johnson skin, download the game, save up your gems and play it now for free on Android and iOS!

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