February Skin Collector Mobile Legends 2021, Wan – Wan Epic Skin Showcase Leaked!

Previously we have known that the monthly epic skin showcase is going to be change for a limited skins “Collector”. This might be the change that is made by Moonton to improve the skins worth. Because previously there is no difference between the limited event Epic skins and shop epic skins, but with this change, the difference is real. Now for the information that you all want, the February Skin Collector mobile Legends that are going to be released for the annoying jumping marksman Wan – Wan!
The next Collector skin is going to be released for Wan – Wan, and it is going to be called Pixel Blast. Wan – Wan will look more futuristic with a helm in her head. Most of the color that are invested in her is purple with light pink as part of her weapon set.
This skin is going to be released in February 2021, probably in the early or mid-month, and it might cost you a lot of diamonds much like any other events in Mobile legends. Regardless, for Wan – wan main, you guys might want to save up now.
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