New Mobile Legends Tank Daktech has a new Codename!

Tank Mobile legendsTank Mobile legends

Mobile Legends recently released a new marksman, and people have been wondering what kind of heroes and roles that are going to be released next in Mobile Legends. But it seems like we don’t need to wait anymore because we have known that there is a leak about the next heroes which has the codename of Daktech the mobile tank.

The hero is still rumored to be released next in Mobile Legends Advance server, and has the codename of Mobile Tank. Daktec itself had already been rumored in the advance server since last year, even before the released of Matilda in Original server. However, there is not much known about this hero.

The design has a void feel to it, which makes him/her pretty similar to DOTA 2 character Enigma that also has the abilities to spawn something. Much like the image above where there are 3 little summons that could be seen near its feet.

Regardless, this is huge news for tank users, since players will be able to play him probably next month after the release of Yve in Mobile Legends original server.

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