Mobile Legends Newest Hero Leaks Shift Punisher!

Mobile Legends recently released a new hero in the advanced server. This newest hero is called Daktech, and is one of the most prominent tanks in Mobile Legends. Now, interestingly enough, a new hero is in the making, and one of the most prominent leakers of Mobile Legends recently released new leaks regarding the next hero that is called Shift Punisher.

Although it is not stated by the leaks what this upcoming new hero role might be, from the looks of it, this new hero might be the next fighter of Mobile Legends. His main weapon is the mace-like things that are linked to his body, and he might be a damage dealer much like Terizla and Lapu – Lapu. Also, with the looks of it, Shift Punisher might also have some magic damage attach to it.

Sadly, we didn’t have the exact dates of this new hero released, but we will keep you updated. If you are interested in this new hero, Please check out our site accordingly since we will be sure to update all news on Mobile Legends!

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