Ragnarok Mobile 2.0 New Server Event, date, details and rewards [February – April 2021]

Apart from Ragnarok Mobile 2.0 being updated, there is going to be a new server event that can be used to get a huge amount of rewards for those that are playing the game. This will help players to settle in with the new and foremost equipment. There are numerous event that is ongoing now, and players that want a huge reward should definitely catch up to it.

A New Journey of Love and Courage (Sign-in Reward)

Event Period:

February 26th, 0500HRS – March 26th, 0500HRS

Event Details:

During the event, players with a Base Level of 12 and above can receive the quest A New Journey of Love and Courage.  Go to Prontera Square and talk to the celebration ambassador Mona to receive the following rewards: New server players will receive the limited headwear Novice Bean Sprouts and Novice Celebration Giftbox

Existing server players will receive the limited headwear Novice Puppy Love and Novice Celebration Giftbox, Novice Celebration Giftbox: Use to obtain Big Cat Voucher I x30, Big Cat Voucher·Feast x30

※Limited headwear Novice Bean Sprouts & Novice Puppy Love cannot be sold on the exchange

※This activity is account limited activity, each account can only receive once

Event Reward:

Headwear, Novice Bean Sprouts, Novice Puppy Love

Daily Adventure Exp

Event Period:

February 26th, 0500HRS – March 29th, 0500HRS

Event Description:

A strange rift suddenly appeared next to Prontera Square, and I walked in. I could vaguely see the afterimage of another world… Beside me is a novice with a completely different style… Talk to Rift Monitor Lorde, perhaps we can get to the bottom of this!

Event Details:

During the event, players with Base Level of 12 and above can receive the quest Free Daily Adventure EXP. Go to Prontera Square, talk to the Rift Monitor Lorde, follow Lorde’s instruction, share the adventure tip with other players (send to the world channel), and get the following rewards:

Completing the activity for the first time, you will get Study Notes x1 and Novice Diary x1, Complete the follow-up every day and get Study Notes x1

※During the event, any character under the same account can complete the quest, but each account can only complete it once daily.

Event Reward:

Reward chest, Study Notes

Unlock! Novice Diary

Event Period:

Drops: February 26th, 0500HRS – March 6th, 0500HRS

Hand in: February 26th, 0500HRS – March 9th, 0500HRS

Memory Prism and Flash Memory will expire on March 9th

Event Description:

Even though I obtained the Novice Diary, I couldn’t open it… It seems like it is not easy to peruse this diary of another world. After obtaining the Novice Diary, you will receive the follow-up quest Diary from Another World to obtain clues to open the diary.

Event Details:

During the event, players with a Base Level of 12 and above can receive the quest Unlock! Novice Diary. All players will need to cooperate, collect Memory Prism, and hand them into Lock in Prontera Square to unlock the Novice Diary. To obtain Memory Prism:

  • Wild monsters have a 30% chance of dropping, daily account limit: 500
  • Complete Mission Board quests, every completed mission will give out 50 Memory Prisms, account-limited.
  • Talk to Lock and exchange Memory Prism x100 for Memory Gift Box x1
  • Using Memory Gift Box will give the players Flash Memory x1. Collect 12 to exchange limited pixel headwear Another World – Apple of Archer

Event Reward:

Limited headwear Another World – Apple of Archer

Novice Diary (new mechanism)

Event Period:

February 26th, 0500HRS – March 29th, 0500HRS

Novice Diary Content Release: March 26th, 0500HRS

Novice Diary is not sellable

Novice Diary expiry: April 29th, 0500HRS

Event Details:

To obtain:

  • Players can obtain Novice Diary x1 by completing the Free Daily Adventure EXP quest.
  • When the unlocking time comes, Novice Diary becomes usable and can begin to collect content.
  • There are 3 chapters in the Novice Diary

Chapter 1

Collection Period: March 6th, 0500HRS – March 20th, 0500HRS

Collection Method: Complete the quest series The Times Are Changing, but the Enthusiasm Is the Same. For every day of quests finished, unlock 1 page of content.

Chapter 2

Collection Period: March 6th, 0500HRS – March 13th, 0500HRS

Collection Method:

  • Obtaining Exotic Coin x100 in Otherworld Monsters’ Investigation unlocks 2-1
  • Obtaining Exotic Coin x300 in Otherworld Monsters’ Investigation unlocks 2-2
  • Obtaining Otherworld Treasure x15 in Otherworld Monsters’ Investigation unlocks 2-3

Chapter 3

Collection Period: March 13th, 0500HRS – March 20th 0500HRS

Collection Method:

  • Talk to Roan during the event to obtain Celebration Giftbox
  • Obtaining Celebration Giftbox x1 unlocks 3-1
  • Obtaining Celebration Giftbox x3 unlocks 3-2
  • Obtaining Celebration Giftbox x5 unlocks 3-3
  • Obtaining Celebration Giftbox x7 unlocks 3-4
  • Completing the collection of all the pages of Novice Diary content will reward the player with the final-page reward, Novice Diary – Memorial Album x1

Event Reward:

Toy Collection Novice Diary, Use to open Novice Diary interface

There you go, some of the new events that will come in the new server on February – March 2021. This event will be available for most new players that want to play the game or follow the stories and get a bunch of different rewards in the game. If you are interested in Ragnarok Mobile Eternal Love, this is the right time to play it because the game recently released a new server and a new client with new content!

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Jay: A Content writer for Roonby.com Contact me on Jason@roonby.com, we can't reply to gmail for some reason.