The 108 Hero leaks Mobile Legends Moonton release Harith Cousin!

Gloo, one of the recent tank in Mobile Legends is going to come soon to Mobile Legends original server. The tank hero is probably one of the most OP heroes in Mobile Legends, however, did you know that there are going to be more heroes coming soon to the Mobile Legends advance server? Well, now you know.

Although it is not known yet this new hero role, because it carries around a huge ax behind its back much like Terizla. This new hero will probably have the same role, which is a fighter. Not much known regarding his skill and abilities, however according to this image, we can see that he probably can summon a little fire monster, or it is going to be his rage gauge that can be used to deal boosted damage to his enemies.

Regardless this little guy looks a lot like Harith, and is probably related to the little mage hero. What do you guys think about it? There are also some other hero leaks that you can found for the 107 Shift punisher.

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