By Jay / / Android Games Mobile Legends News

In addition to Nathan and Aulus, Moonton is said to be releasing three more new heroes for testing. These heroes are still in development, but we have recently learned about the newest description on one of the next Mobile Legends heroes with the codename Floating Girl.

New Hero 112 Survey!!! Floating Girl Feature Description: Naturally powerful magic ability, floating in the air, long-range magic attack.

The 112 Hero is said to be a long range attacker with powerful magic ability. This means that she has a burst damage ability with a longer range than the usual heroes in Mobile Legends. Also if we see her design, we can see a little bit of similarity with Eudora that also have the ability to kill squishy hero in one combos. Sadly, we didn’t know any more information, aside from her attacking ability, burst damage, and design, but we will keep you updated!

Mobile Legends is a free-to-play MOBA game on android and iOS. Players will be sent to the land of dawn in a match of 5v5 to battle against one another to destroy their base. Players will be able to select more than 100 new heroes to battle against one another with different skills and strategies. Those that have the skill will win the game!

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