Mobile Legends August 2021 Starlight Skins!

Mobile Legends will release new content once a month. This includes a variety of skins. One example is the starlight skins, which are available for purchase in the callender on the first of every month. They are going to release a skin for Luo Yi, The Magnetic Mage, next month, in August 2021!

The skin is called Siren Priestess, and it will transform Luo Yi’s previous taoist appearance into those elegant Priestess who will not only be Deadly but also very beautiful. The veil she wears will continue to cover half of her face, and the in-game skill effect will be changed as well. Every time she uses her skills, a watery effect will appear, and the color scheme of her usual skill will be changed to lighter and darker blue depending on her yin and yang skill effect.

The Siren Priestess will be available for purchase on August 1st, 2021, and is one of the most beautiful skins for Luo Yi Users in the game. Other Mobile Legends news can be found right here in Roonby!

Mobile Legends is a free-to-play MOBA game on android and iOS. Players will be sent to the land of dawn in a match of 5v5 to battle against one another to destroy their base. Players will be able to select more than 100 new heroes to battle against one another with different skills and strategies. Those that have the skill will win the game!

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