Download Citra Roak Emulator 3DS on Your Phone for Low-End Devices!

Good news for emulator fans who don’t have a high-end device, because a modded Citra, a 3DS emulator, was recently released, and an Asus Zenfone 8 or Samsung S7 released in 2016 could easily play Pokemon games without any problems or hiccups.

New Citra Roak Emulator Download Link

Citra Roak is the name of the app, and here is some gameplay provided by YondaAPK4U:

Players will be able to see Pokemon games being played on Android devices on the video above. Citra, the emulator’s name, can run Pokemon Sun, Pokemon Alpha Saphire, and Pokemon X without issue. The FPS in the game will be visible to players, which is stable at 20-30 FPS and runs at full speed.

The gameplay only lags slightly when loading something, and the game is still playable on the devices. The creator stated that he is using an Asus Zenfone 8 and a Samsung Galaxy S7 released in 2016 with 4GB RAM and Exynos8890 as the device’s main chip.

If you have a phone that is better than the Samsung Galaxy S7, you will be able to download and play the Pokemon game without any problems.

Download 3DS Emulator Citra Roak on Android:

  • Download Citra Roak on this link here – (Mega)
  • Install the APK on your Android and select “Install from Unknown Source” to install the game.
  • Play Pokemon Games by using ROM that you have found on the internet.

Note: To have much more enjoyable gameplay, you should download the config (Mega, Mediafire), but you will also need Turbo Editor app to edit the config (Here).

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