Avatar: Reckoning, Disney and Tencent Collaborates to Make a New Mobile MMORPG!

Tencent and Disney recently announced Avatar: Reckoning, a new Mobile MMORPG game. It is a mobile multiplayer online role-playing shooter. Archosaur Games, best known for Dragon Raja, created the game, which will be published globally by Level Infinite.

The game, which will be available on iOS and Android devices in 2022, will allow players to explore Pandora. Players may encounter Na’vi clans, blue aliens defending their home while fighting RDA Troops who want to exploit their resources. The game can be played in either solo or multiplayer mode.

Leveling features allow players to grind their Avatar character, equip them with powerful weapons, and fight. Avatar: Reckoning offers three modes to explore: single-player story missions, co-op, and PvP with innovative combat designed for touch control.

The game was created using Unreal Engine 4, and it will be one of the best visually mobile graphic games in 2022!

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Jay: A Content writer for Roonby.com Contact me on Jason@roonby.com, we can't reply to gmail for some reason.