Explanation on the New Mobile Legends Emblem Talent Revamp Moonton!

Moonton was recently known to be providing a revamp for the emblem system in Mobile Legends. The update, which is not yet known when it will be released on the Original server, has been leaked by several leakers in Mobile Legends, and in the future it will make the game complicated which is actually already complicated.

This revamp emblem change will certainly be very helpful for the players, where Mobile Legends heroes, in the future, will be more OP and annoying depending on the combination of their emblems and skills.

The explanation of the latest Mobile Legends Revamp Emblem Talent from Moonton!

One of the important things to know about this revamp emblem is that in the future the emblem upgrade will no longer be needed in the MOBA mobile game. Yes, players no longer need to use dust, emblems and gold to upgrade their skills.

Here, there will still be 6 emblems that can be used to increase your status, namely Tanks, Fighters, Assassins, Marksman, Support and Mage.

  • Tanks: Focused on increasing defense, health, and health regen
  • Fighter: Focused on increasing damage, defense, and health.
  • Assassins: Focused on increasing damage, CDR, and movement speed.
  • Marksman: Focused on increasing damage, attack speed, and movement speed.
  • Support: Focused on increasing mana regen, movement speed, and CDR
  • Mage: Focused on increasing CDR, Damage, and Mana regen

Mobile Legends Revamp Emblem Talents that can be used in the game:

Here, there are 3 active talents that can be used in the game that will increase the ability of each of your characters. The 3 talents that can be used are divided into Core Abilities, Regular skills, and Regular attributes

Core Abilities

Core Abilities: is the most powerful talent in the game. Divided into 3 types, namely for Attack, Defense and Utility. Each of them has a use and can change the course of the game.

Regular Skills

Regular Skills: are talents that have limitations and requirements for using them, and are talents that are quite useful for increasing your abilities after using skills, utilities to increase speed and so on. Just like core abilities, this talent is also divided into 3, namely attack defense and utility.

Regular attributes

Regular attributes: are talents to provide additional attributes or status to talent users. Like the effect of adding status to the user starting from the addition of attack status, damage, and so on. Users can use this talent to increase movement speed, attack speed, spell vamp and much more. Unfortunately there is only 1 attribute that can be added when using this talent. Just like the two, this talent is also divided into 3 namely attack, defense, and utility.

The Talent Combination will change the shape of the Emblem you use.

Here, every use of existing talent will change the shape of the emblem that you use in the game.


which will change the shape of your talents when using 3 blue talents for utility.


which will change the shape of your talents when using 3 red talents for attacks.


which will change the shape of your talents when using 3 yellow talents for defense.


which will change the shape of your talents when using 3 talents with different colors.

How to Play Mobile Legends on PC:

About Mobile Legends

Mobile Legends is a MOBA Mobile game developed by Moonton. This game is a 5v5 game where players will fight with each other in real-time to destroy the enemy base on their own abilities. If interested, players can download and play the game for free on Android and iOS or PC using an Emulator!

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