Mobile Legends First Skin Purchase in Season 25 for Selena!

Mobile Legends S25Mobile Legends S25

In addition to receiving prizes for reaching a specific rank in Mobile Legends, players also have the ability to purchase a high-quality skin at a moderate cost each season. This skin is typically the first skin available at the start of the season, with the name “First Skin Purchase” and an exclusive border for the season. Players will receive an exclusive skin for Hero Selena with the moniker ‘Gothic Curse’ in season 25.

First Skin Purchase Mobile Legends S25 for Hero Mage/Assassins!

Mobile Legends S25Mobile Legends S25

This skin, named Gothic Curse, will transform Selena’s often cheerful visage into a gothic lolita that is distinct from the norm. Selena’s ‘Gothic Curse’ skin seems particularly slippery when she wears black eye shadow and dark lipstick in conjunction with light-coloured clothing. Much like the previous First Skin Purchase, this skin will cost only 100 diamonds, the same as other Mobile Legends First Skin Purchase skins, and gamers will receive additional game borders.

Obviously, this skin will be required for Selena users. Unfortunately, Moonton has not confirmed the truth of this Selena skin at the start of season 25, therefore it remains unknown whether Mobile Legends will introduce this Selena skin.

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