Apex Legends Mobile recently confirms the released DJ as a new Legend in the game. There are many leaks regarding Rhapsody, and not only that but there are also hints regarding the next Legends that are going called Crypto which is going to be released in mid-season 2.
The newest leak is released by Apex Legends Mobile Leakers called “Leakers On Duty APEXM” which showed the Emporium skins related to Crypto are found in one of the files on Apex Legends Mobile. This means that Crypto might be released as part of the season 2.5 updates, or so.
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Crypto is a recon legend who can use drones to spy on the battlefield and was one of the first legends to be released in season 3. He also has a debuff that allows him to destroy and slow the enemy’s defense.
If you are interested, you can download Apex Legends Mobile on Android and iOS, or even though it is not recommended to use an emulator on a PC to play the game before trying the exclusive legends.
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