3 New Pokemon Leaks in Pokemon Unite September 2022!

After releasing Tyranitar in the MOBA Pokemon Unite game, ElChicoEevee who is a leaker from the Pokemon Unite game revealed a new leak update in the MOBA Mobile game. Here, he revealed that there will be 3 new Pokemon in September with a variety of interesting gameplay.

3 New Pokemon in Pokemon Unite

During the 1-year anniversary, Pokemon Unite announced that Tyranitar would be released in August, and it is now known that three new Pokemon would be introduced in September, with the roles of Attacker, Speedster, and Allrounder. Here are the details.

Mew – Attacker

Mew will become the new attacker in the game and will become a pokemon with 6 movesets, and after level 5, the Pokemon can reset one of its movesets with another and present new gameplay for players that can be played in the MOBA game.

Dodrio – Speedster

Dodrio, the evolved form of Doduo, is one of the original Pokémon in the game, and it will play the Speedster role. Dodrio will be a highly mobile Pokémon in the MOBA game. However, there is no information regarding the usable skills at the moment.

Scizor – All rounder

The evolution of Scizor into Scyter revealed that this insect-type Pokémon will take on an Allrounder role in the game. With balanced stats, this Pokemon may be purchased for 14,000 coins. It is known that players can utilize double teams in Scizor, although the game does not specify which talents can be employed.

This leak not only provides new Pokemon in the game but also new maps, new objectives, and new Pokemon, accompanied by new bosses besides Zapdos. However more information isn’t released by Pokemon yet, and they had not yet announced it officially.

Also read:

If you are interested in the new update, the Pokemon Unite MOBA game can be played for free on AndroidiOS, and PC by using an emulator!

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