Tower of Fantasy Guide, How Many Vitality is Regain in 1 Day, and Where to Spent it!

Tower of Fantasy VitalityTower of Fantasy Vitality

It’s only been a few days since the arrival of the Tower of Fantasy game, and already many players have made it to the end game phase. With so many things that can be done in the game, Vitality is important for playing content in the Tower of Fantasy game. Some of them are Joint Operation which is a multiplayer mode to defeat bosses in the Tower of Fantasy game.

Well, here we will provide a little guide related to Vitality in the Tower of Fantasy game, how to get it, and how to spend it. Check out the article below!

Tower of Fantasy Guide – How to Regain Vitality!

Tower of Fantasy has a Sub-menu that can be used to spend Vitality Points with several interesting game modes. For those who need materials to improve the skills and abilities of their character, players can use Vitality to access the join operation, interstellar exploration or other.

Please note that this mode will be available after players have successfully completed several main story quests, and new players have not been able to reach the multiplayer operation in the Tower of Fantasy game until it reaches a certain limit. Every 80 minutes, players will get 1 vitality point, this means players will get 108 Vitality Points within 24 hours.

Players can check the Vitality points they have with the sub-menu located in the upper right corner of the Tower of Fantasy UI.

Tower of Fantasy Guide – How to Use Vitality Points!

To spend Vitality, players can follow the operations that can be found in the adventure menu. With 5 operations that can be entered starting from:

  • Joint Operation – 90
  • Interstellar Exploration – 30
  • Dimensional Trials – 30
  • Omnium Beacon – 30
  • Spacetime Domain – 30

Activities that can be done solo, or in a duo, but will be quite difficult to do. It is recommended to do a Join Operation with 4 other players to increase the chances of winning, for efficiency.

About Tower of Fantasy:

Tower of Fantasy is a free-to-play open-world action role-playing game created by Perfect World subsidiary Hotta Studio. The game takes place in the far future on the planet of Aida, which has been tainted with a mysterious but potent radioactive energy known as Omnium following a catastrophe that nearly wiped out human civilization and changed the planet’s biosphere.

The game is released on androidiOS, and PC!

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