4 Tower of Fantasy Best Comp For Each Elements!

Best Comp Tower of FantasyBest Comp Tower of Fantasy

Tower of Fantasy Best Comp for each element. The superior composition in Tower of Fantasy is determined by the elements the player possesses, as well as build recommendations and guides. In Tower of Fantasy, players can employ multiple 4 elements to enhance their team’s capabilities. Beginning with Frost, Fire, Volt, and Physical, players can obtain a variety of benefits from each existing element.

Frost Comp – Tower of Fantasy

Best Comp Tower of FantasyBest Comp Tower of Fantasy

Frost Comp is the strongest element for casual players, with nimble powers and excellent durability. Here, gamers can combine normal banner comps with premium banner comps to deploy multiple standard banner comps. Here are the characters and duplicates that can be utilized in Tower of Fantasy version 1.5:

  • Frigg
  • Tsubasa
  • Meryl/Cocoritter

Fire Comp – Tower of Fantasy

Using Burn with a strong DPS output, players can deal significant damage to foes. Fire’s output depends not only on the damage but also on the high shatter system, making it easier to do harm to the enemy. Here are some characters or substitutes that are suited for the Fire comp team in Tower of Fantasy version 1.5:

  • Cobalt-B
  • Huma
  • Zero/King

Volt Comp – Tower of Fantasy

Nemesis is one of the four strongest components because it not only deals heavy damage but also heals. The benefit of this comp team is its electrifying effect, which can deal additional damage and stun the target. Here are the characters or substitutes for the volt or lightning comp team in version 1.5 of Tower of Fantasy, should you be interested:

  • Nemesis
  • Samir/Crow
  • King/Huma

Physical Comp – Tower of Fantasy

Currently, the element with the highest multi-player damage is based on the data. Simulacra Physical has a Grievous Wound effect that can make the next assault vulnerable. Unfortunately, this element lacks a suitable team and must be paired with other elements for version 1.5 to function efficiently. Here are the Physical team members for Tower of Fantasy version 1.5:

  • Shiro
  • Crow/Samir
  • Claudia

So, as Tower of Fantasy players, which Team Simulacra do you prefer?

About Tower of Fantasy:

Tower of Fantasy is a free-to-play open-world action role-playing game created by Perfect World subsidiary Hotta Studio. The game takes place in the far future on the planet of Aida, which has been tainted with a mysterious but potent radioactive energy known as Omnium following a catastrophe that nearly wiped out human civilization and changed the planet’s biosphere.

The game is released on androidiOS, and PC!

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