By Jay / / 2022 Games

Genius Invokation TCG is a Genshin Impact card game, and on this occasion, we will present a quick guide for people who are new to the game. This is one of the permanent micro games that Genshin Impact fans may enjoy, especially if they are bored with the Open World game.

Here, we will provide tutorials, mechanics, and instructions on how to open Genshin Impact Genius Invocation TCG!

Genshin Impact TCG Genius Invokation Quick Guide:

How to Open Genshin Impact TCG Genius Invokation:

  • To open this mini game in Genshin Impact, players must complete the World Quest “Battlefield of Dice, Cats, and Cards”. Here, players will be given several cutscenes and tutorials which, once completed, can immediately open the new game mode in your world.

Genshin Impact Genius Invokation Guide – Card Types:


  • In this Genshin Impact TCG mode, players will be given a deck that has 3 character cards, along with 30 other cards.
  • These 30 cards will consist of Equipment, Supports, and events that can be used simultaneously.
  • Each card has a dice cost, which means the use of dice, and will have a limit of 2 copies of the same card in the game.

Character Cards:

  • This character card is a character card that can be used actively or passively by using dices or energy when used.
  • Energy is obtained when using a card skill character by using another card to use the burst skill.
  • On the other hand, character cards can also be equipped with 1 talent card, weapon card and artifact card.

Equipment Cards:

  • Equipment Cards consist of Talent, Weapon and Artifact Cards.
  • Talent cards require a character that can use the card or talent in the deck.
  • Weapon cards can only be used by characters who can use those weapons.
  • Finally, artifact cards can be used by all characters in this card game.

Support Cards:

  • Support cards present several effects, some permanent or temporary depending on the effect of the card.
  • Here the effects of supporting cards will be provided on the side of the board and generally will not end turn.

Event Cards:

  • A one time use card that will never end your turn. Here players can activate various events that might change the course of the match.

Each Turn in Genshin Impact Genius Invokation Consist in:

The following actions are available in every Genshin Impact Genius Invocation TCG game. Here’s a primer. What You Should Know About the Genius Invocation TCG:

  • Reroll Dice: Players will get 8 Dices that can be used to roll elements to activate card skills and their effects.
  • Round: Here players can choose a number in the Support Cards before starting the action to complete their turn.
  • Turn: The turn will be finished when the character attacks, or switch the active character.
  • Summons: Some characters will have summons, which have the ability to stay on the board even when their use or usage duration ends.

That’s Guide Genius Invocation which is a new game in the Genshin Impact game, I hope this article can help you play that mode. Genshin Impact Genius Invocation can be played on Android, iOS, Console, and PC!

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